
What are Dofollow and Nofollow Backlinks?


The Difference Between dofollow and nofollow Links


In this post we will learn about the backlinks and why they are important for the owners of sites or blogs. 

What are Dofollow and Nofollow Backlinks?


Backlinks are a collection of links to your site and found in forums or other sites that lead the visitors to your site and they are either external links that come from other sites or internal, which you build in the pages and topics so that you link topics together and this is also useful for the site. You may wonder what the benefit of this in whole?


The Benefits of These Links:


As we mentioned before, the backlinks are essential to the success of any blog or site. Here are some of the benefits of Nofollow and Dofollow Links.


  • Essential for reducing the pagerank of your website.
  • Increases quality traffic to your site and builds trust on your visitors.
  • Boost site indexing in the search engines.
  • Both of them have benefits as each one serves a certain purpose.
  • Provides clear S.E.O advantages to your blog if it is linked to quality content out of your domain.

Nofollow Or Dofollow Backlinks?


Dofollow Links:


These links are the ones responsible for bringing quality visitors. If you have dofollow links with high ranked websites. Dofloow allow search spiders or robots to track the links in the site to the outside link address, thus ensuring that search engines visit your site. Consequently, this is calculated as backlinks to you and they may include external and internal links.
This kind of backlinks are the most  difficult to get especially to highly trusted sites. So, make sure you consider investing on them. To add dofollow attribution to a certain link just add: rel=”dofollow”.


Nofollow Links:


Nofllow It is the opposite of the other so that it tells search engines spiders not to follow the links on the site to the link path. Hence; this type of links does not count in building your backlinks list. They are used by the high ranked websites to maintain their Pagerank when using external links.
To add dofollow attribution to a certain link just add:  rel=”nofollow”. It is recommended to attribute a nofollow to all your external links and dofollow to all your internal links. You need to know that all links are dofollow by default.


How do I know that the site uses noflow or dofllow?


It is super easy just enter the site and then open the source of the page by clicking on ctrl + u or right CLICK and then select view page source.


All in all, hope you have a clearer idea about the importance of internal and external links to the pagerank of your website. This will help you have a better SEO optimization in the overall.

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