Make Your Computer Boot Blazingly Fast

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How to Speed Up Boot Time on Your Windows PC


One of the most irritating things that Windows users complain constantly about is the boot time, which is the span that a computer needs to get the applications and the system as a whole ready. There are plenty of applications that claim to do this task, however; what most users don't know is that you do this without buying or using any software. Yeah! We will be showing you how to fix your Operating System easily and efficiently.

Decreasing the boot will not only release you from such an experience but it also offers a bunch of benefits that we list below : Optimizing the boot time will:

  • Makes your computer perform better and thus improving the user experience as a whole.
  • Saves the life of your battery because the more services you use, the quicker the battery will discharge or drain.
  • Reducing the boot time will consequently decrease the time your computer will need to shut down ^^.

In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to decrease the boot time in windows 7, 8, 8.1 Or 10 and enjoy full performance of your machine in easy steps.

For the complete process watch the following step by step guide on how to make your windows blazingly fast just with two tweaks that are really enough to do the job and get back your fresh and robust machine.

We have used the search box in the start menu to search for “msconfig.exe” and then click enter and the tool will open.
If you still have any questions we will be glad to read them in the comments box below ً????????????.

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