How To Convert Word To PDF Without Software

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Microsoft office is considered one of the most popular and efficient software used by millions across the world and spread around the web.


How do I convert a Word document into a PDF file?


What most of users ignore or don't know is that this format is not suitable for distribution or sharing for a brunch of reasons.

  1. In most cases, the layout will be scrambled when you receive a Word file because the writer could have changed the default settings of Office.
  2. You May have different style if the original document fonts are not installed in your computer.
  3. Some printers can not fully read the document.

Hence, to avoid all this hassle and overcome these issues, it is better to convert your documents to PDF: Portable Document File. And to do so you just follow our step by step guide and get your files in the desired format for free and without software.

N.B: if you want to download the latest Microsoft office software just check our tutorial here.


How To Convert A Microsoft Word Document To PDF Format


For the complete process watch the following step by step guide and feel free to contact us for any questions. (N.B: We are sorry if you may find trouble playing the video, please check in a while as we are fixing this issue!)



If you still have any questions we will be glad to read them in the comments box below ????.

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