How To Livestream On YouTube – Easy Guide

أسهل طريقة للقيام ببث مباشر على اليوتيوب

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Live streaming is simply defined as broadcasting an online content, whether it is presentation, sharing video tutorials or online gameplay or walkthroughs such as in the famous gaming site Twitch.

How to Broadcast With YouTube Live

The live streaming offers a bunch of benefits that come at a very low cost or even for free. These advantages encompass but not limited to:

  • Live contact with your audience or followers.
  • Provides a one to one support to clients or colleagues.
  • Broadcast important events or conferences to reach more people.
  •  Get more views and eventually more subscribers especially if you are using YouTube or Twitch.
  •  Followers, fans or subscribers will have room for asking questions or give suggestions within a friendly atmosphere.

For all these reasons, you should think of using the live streaming utilities and platforms. That's why  in today's tutorial we will be showing you how get and set up a free live streaming with great features and options, all of this by using the YouTube platform. N.B: You can also set up a live stream and start broadcasting right from your smartphone.

Let's go to work now and I will show you how to livestream on YouTube with our easy guide and boost your channel for sure. Hit the play button and follow the instructions:

أسهل طريقة للقيام ببث مباشر على اليوتيوب

First of all you head on to the YouTube plaform then to YouTube Live Dashboard in the following link:

If you still have any questions or have other ways to share, we will be glad to read them in the comments box below ???? ????.

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